Friday, July 6, 2018

Abema Producer Battle E3 5ch Comments

- Samu Samu was a huge topic of conversation. They talked allot about the discrepancy between Samu Samu's popularity vote in the 2nd Season and the Abema viewer vote this season. Allot of people chalk up Samu Samu's large amount of votes in the Poll to the timing. When the vote was held, LaLuce was 2-0 and Samu Samu was 0-2.

- Samu Samu still doesn't seem to be very popular despite the focus on their losing streak last Season. Only Rio has a decent number of fans coming to her line at Handshake meetings and even then, she can't really sell out. Their twitter followers haven't increased much either.

* I have my own theory to explain Samu Samu's low amount of votes in the Viewer Poll. Samu Samu got allot of votes in the 2nd Season because it was open to the general public, so allot of Casual fans voted for them. In the Abema Gold format, only the Hardcore fans are voting, so this is when true popularity among the fanbase comes through. The Hardcore fans are the ones going to Handshake Meetings, bulk buying Singles, and going to concerts. LaLuce winning the Viewer Vote almost 3-1 is a good indicator of this. Abe and Midori are very popular among the fans and I don't think Rio alone can compete with them.

- Sashihara is calling for NMB fans to vote for Love Cocchi.

- There seems to be a small, but vocal contingent of LaLuce Antis.

- People brought up "floating votes". When any 2 groups Battle, who will the Wotas of other 3 groups vote for? This is also a good reason why Samu Samu's votes were so slow. The other fandoms like LaLuce better.

- A few people want there to be 5 votes instead of 3. They want to include a Venue vote. There's, like, 20 people in the audience, lol.

* I can't believe some people think Abe is untalented. She has to be the best all around talent in LIF. I think her antis are mostly Majima Wotas who hate her for taking the Center spot in the 1st Season.

- I didn't see a consensus about which is the most popular song, but Good Tear's was mentioned several times.


(*The first batch of comments is before the episode aired on Sunday)

6. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 00:59:58.21ID:wjTPqX970

You already have the next Title Track. It's "He, So?" by Good Tear's isn't it?
It's Chikada's masterpiece, right?

(*I have no idea if they're being serious or sarcastic, lol)

10. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:27:19.47ID:/CJ/KdvC0>>24

The chance that LaLuce prevails without Yoshizaki and Koga is about 5%.

14. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:37:07.83ID:/CJ/KdvC0

LaLuce's performance points are all the lowest. This is a reality.
Bandwagon would have sold more if Majima sang it.

(*Wakana Wota right here, lol. When they're talking about performance points, they're referring to Fan Polls made on other sites like Showroom)

15. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:42:45.99ID:9UhOI3Pr0

They got 25,000 votes.
There are not that many fans on the field (They must mean the Abema TV format).
They don't even have that many Twitter Followers.
The strength of the Net voting is one of the Seven Wonders.

16. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:45:28.36ID:JWnP16TD0

There was a mistake in last weeks Abema vote.
The buttons under Good Tears and Love Cocchi were in the wrong place.
Some people who wanted to vote for Good Tears may have voted for Love Cocchi.

21. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:49:49.58ID:buiElrjR0

The popular members are in LaLuce, but the popular song will be Samu Samu.
It's consistent with the level of Title Songs, and has the best chance for repeated MV views.

22. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:52:12.65ID:mHBxNyZF0>>24

Number of views.
The singing battle is also first place, it's not a music evaluation.
Net popularity.

(*Basically listing what they consider to be important factors when choosing the Title Song)

23. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:53:51.81ID:BcjkrC070

Sashihara Wota aren't interested in Last Idol.
There are only hundreds of true Sashihara Ota.
=LOVE has become Owakon.

(*Owakon is a fad that no longer fits the era. They're saying the group has been abandoned)

24. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 01:55:34.05ID:lryP06H40

By the way, Showroom is a different index. It's totally meaningless.
Besides, not every member in LaLuce uses it (Showroom).

(*They use "Shihyou" which translates to index. The best explanation I could find is that Shihyou refers to a thing that is used to measure or judge something. I'm not sure if there's a better word than that)

36. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 03:59:12.69ID:Z0qXpM6u0

LaLuce Wota had a very low showing last time (*2nd Season).
Yoshizaki and Koga's Wota will eventually give their support to LaLuce.
Nagatsuki's votes won't break away.
As you stated, there are "floating" votes from the other 3 Units.
I don't think Samu Samu has as much of an advantage as you say.

43. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 06:23:55.86ID:/CHO9/190

Regarding the Title Song, 2 consecutive victories by CCR is unlikely because it's not newsworthy.
I'm afraid to say it won't be the most unpopular Good Tears either.
It will be chosen from 1 of the other 3 Units.
Akimoto won't easily give the title to his disciple Sashihara, so Love Cocchi is out.
That's why LaLuce or Samu Samu will get the title this time.

46. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 06:38:08.26ID:DUOrySDV0

Twin Planet is a former Entertainment Company.
The individual members have a sub-contract with them.
Adjusting schedules with the office, event appointments, etc.,
they handle what's difficult for TV Asahi to do and is charge of all the management.
This is the manager/promoter of Last Idol Family.
I'll write down what I've figured out.

(*This was a little hard to translate, but Twin Plant is the company handling Last Idol's promotions. This is the first I've read about the company that handles the promotional side of things. It's been around since 2006, but I don't know when they made the switch to promoting Artists)

49. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 07:00:42.98ID:hWxTxftQO>>50

I'd like the Producer's popularity and influence not to effect the judgement.
The leading role is not the Producer, but the girls.
The Producer should be hidden.

(*This is an interesting idea. To keep the identities of each Producer hidden until the Title Song is chosen. Unfortunately, this doesn't help promote the show, and they need all the attention they can get)

50. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 08:06:29.68ID:odCV5a380

When Aki-P was made the Producer of Samu Samu, he said to them that
winning is important, but more important than that is teaching the world about Last Idol Family.
Therefore, the 2nd Producer Battle is different from the first one.
Created by Aki-P and TV Asahi, and managed by Twin Planet,
Last Idol Family has not been recognized by the world yet.

57. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:07:09.65ID:pE4mwDgt0

Samu Samu received votes because people were sympathetic.

59. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:11:42.25ID:Mgf65PFv0

The 2nd Season viewer vote was all about timing.
The notification for the start of voting was sent out after Samu Samu vs. CCR in the 6th round.
(Thats when Kenji voted for CCR because he thought sneezing was funny)
Around that time, Samu Samu had 2 consecutive defeats, and there was criticism towards the Judges decisions.
On the other hand, it was thought LaLuce could go to the finals regardless of voting and at the time,
they had 2 consecutive wins.

61. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:19:07.30ID:Sz5CQksU0

Last time, Sashihara and AKB Wota supported Samu Samu.
Now, we're seeing their support decreasing.

63. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:21:35.79ID:cZkRX7Bf0

Wind Blowing was the lowest in the poll at the beginning despite LaLuce having 2 consecutive victories.
Also, the short arrangement was outrageous.
However, it's pretty good when you listen to the full version.
The lyrics and MV are subtle.
I can't really listen to any of the other songs.

71. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:37:12.47ID:hHTxMVk40>>113

Although the Top 2 beauties in the Family have left,
LaLuce has the most variety in facial features.

Last year, Suzuki (Haruka) was the only weak visual.
However, she made a great effort to diet in a short period of time, so there's currently no hole in LaLuce.

The contrast between Pretty/Cute Nagatsuki and Ugly Nagatsuki is extreme, but if she stabilizes, she'll be strong.
(*When talking about Midori (Nagatsuki) I think they're referring to the way she smiles really wide which can distort her features. It doesn't bother me, so whatever)

Within the other groups, each one only has 1 or 2 strong visuals, but most of them are ugly.
Compared to LaLuce, they look like they belong in an Underground Idol group.

74. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:45:49.32ID:5vR2GGX50>>101

At handshake meetings, where there's been a depopulation of Samu Samu fans except for Rio's lane,
The amount of votes in the Popularity Poll are brought up.
I don't think the handshake popularity is equal. Why can't they sell out even at the reservation stage?
The number of Twitter followers hasn't increased much.
There's no wonder that some people see this as a mystery.

76. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:49:54.96ID:/CHO9/190

It's a mystery as to what kind of music different people like.
It's the same when some people give rave reviews to Chikada's song, while others criticize it.
It's not a good idead to sell it because it's a good song.
There have been good songs that haven't sold in the past.
Songs that don't agree with my personal tastes that I don't want to hear may be sold.

77. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 10:54:20.62ID:5vR2GGX50

Good Tears is overwhelmingly unpopular, but they were 3rd in the 2nd Season's Viewer's Poll.
The other day, they achieved a viewer vote of 45% against Love Cocchi which is also a mystery.
In other words, there various factors in the audience voting other than popularity.
A song that suits your taste and the impact of the performance can both effect the vote.

91. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 11:54:41.88ID:y6R+V7670

The impression of Samu Samu is already bad.
I thought Kobe would come often (*Fans from the City of Kobe).
The fans from Kiyohara's lane.

92. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 11:56:48.45ID:Mgf65PFv0

This time, the respective Wotas for LaLuce and Samu Samu will definitly vote for them.
Therefore, victory or defeat depends on the vote of the other 3 Team's floating votes.

96. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 12:07:38.79ID:WVEk7Hfm0

In TwiPla, the impression of Samu Samu on the net is black. (*TwiPla is tool used for sending Twitter updates)
On Sunday, I look forward to seeing who will be in the Center for LaLuce and Samu Samu,
and to see what kind of performances we'll see.
At the moment, I want Good Tears to have the Title Song.

100. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 12:22:15.26ID:OBKc+acz0

Thinking about it, was Love Cocchi vs Good Tears that exciting?
At least Samu Samu and Love Cocchi seem to be popular on 5ch.

102. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 12:47:52.26ID:pE4mwDgt0

The vote was held when Samu Samu had 2 consecutive defeats and LaLuce had 2 consecutive wins.
The result was that the votes of most of Last Idol's Wotas went to Samu Samu.

(*There talking again about the huge amount of votes Samu Samu got in the 2nd Season)

114. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 16:07:16.57ID:Lu1q+qXf0

Last Idol has 5 Units. AKB also has 5 Units
Last Idol disappeared as soon as they were renamed to LaLuce.
They were considered the same as all the other Units.

After the change from Last Idol to LaLuce, Yoshizaki and Koga,
2 of the most popular members who had style and beauty, left the group,
and the group no longer seemed exceptional.

There's nothing special about them compared to the other groups.
The tall girl in charge of the Center was too plain and the group was buried.
(*Says something about Good Tear's Center, Takahashi Mayu, that I don't understand)
How can there still be people who think LaLuce is treated differently.

117. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 16:30:00.74ID:rKV0JGCi0>>125

For those saying that the Center is too plain and they wanted Mahim to
The resentment of Majima's defeat has been forgotten.

128. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/16(土) 18:43:58.88ID:+qOqNR530

Majima Wotas vs Abe Wotas.
Majima makes a strong impact, but is ugly.
Abe makes a weak impact, but is pretty.


(*Now we get into the actual show)

352. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:12:30.59ID:f0c8PD6T0

Samu Samu's costumes are boring.
They're the same as "Again and Again".

354. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:20:39.99ID:zq13zujX0

Goto and Chikada are really good Producers.

359. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:26:23.18ID:VByZBsAS0

What are these costumes?

363. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:28:03.29ID:LgftWSbQ0

This is better than "Wind Blows".

364. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:28:54.39ID:gvNlmJXg0

What kind of costume is this?

370. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:36:38.52ID:Q6b5UgxT0

Nothing has come out that has surpassed Bandwagon.

375. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:40:19.06ID:zq13zujX0

Both are better than the last two songs.

376. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:40:20.33ID:yNiTOM9D0

It's hard to sing live.
It would have been better if they (Samu Samu) hadn't performed after LaLuce.

377. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:40:27.58ID:OcIv1UEZ0

Samu Samu's song today is unfortunate and it seems like they'll lose.

379. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:41:32.57ID:yNiTOM9D0

Both Samu Samu's song and costumes are the same as their first. They must like them.

380. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:41:57.58ID:/eOqILhG0

Samu Samu's song is 100 times better.

382. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:42:19.27ID:LgftWSbQ0

Even though the song is good, it gives me the same impression as "Again and Again".

383. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:43:49.22ID:DE9shfDi0

Although they can't sing, the dance seems difficult.

384. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:44:25.78ID:66L6AgVb0

Samu Samu! It's only a matter of time!
The title song has probably been decided since they're wearing the same costumes as when they debuted.
I don't think it's anyone elses program.

387. 名無しでいいとも!@放送中は実況板で2018/06/17(日) 19:47:09.27ID:VByZBsAS0

It's been terribly tone deaf up to this point.
You might as well listen to Nogizaka instead.

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